Sep 7, 2014

Secure Chat - #ro0ted #OpNewblood Guide to Pidgin/Jabber

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(__)  (__)(____/ \___/(__)\_)__)(_/ \____/\_/\_/(____/(____/(____)(__\_)

This tutorial was made by Lucy. Follow her
#ro0ted #OpNewblood Guide to Pidgin/Jabber


The following is offered to help you acquire a Jabber account using Pidgin as
the client. This is but one way, there are others. There are also other domains
but a few are offered here.

And FFS don’t give me a bunch of shit – I am trying to help

Download Pidgin for your OS –

1) Launch/run Pidgin

A setup window “Add Account” will appear.

Do the following exactly as stated (If no instructions are given leave blank)

2) Adding an Account

Protocol : Select “XMPP” from the drop down menu

Domain: **Choose from list below

Username ; You pick :)

Password: You pick :)

Select remember password. (You don’t have to but I have never had problems)

At the very bottom check “Create this new account on the server”

Click “Add”


*No longer available >> OR OR

3) Registering the account

After a few moments a window will ask you to verify your registration.

If registration is denied the likely cause is that user name is in effect. Try a

few different one. If still having problems contact me.

4) Enable account.

In the Buddy List window under Accounts select Manage Accounts

Insure that your nickname is checked off.

Close the window.

5) Disable Logging

In Buddy List window under Tools Preferences Logging

Uncheck all the boxes.

Close the window.

6) Get OTR – Off-The-Record plugin

Get the appropriate download based upon your OS

Install/run OTR

Go to Buddy List window under Tools Plug-ins and look for the OTR plugin.

Select the plug-in

Configure plug-in at bottom of window.

Uncheck logging.

Close the window.

***Remember to “Start Private Conversation” under OTR when chatting with a Buddy

7) Adding a Buddy.

In the Buddy List window under Buddies select Add a Buddy

For Buddy’s username be sure to include the domain they use NOT just their nick.

Click add and wait for the authorization prompt to appear at the button of your

Buddy List window.

8) Joining a chat room

In the Buddy List window under Buddies select Add a Chat

Room: enter the name of the room

Domain: Pidgin will automatically use the domain you are registered under so

ensure that is in fact the correct domain. If not change it!

You may choose a different handle if you wish but it should automatically fill

it in with your chosen nickname.

Click “Add”

YOU DID IT \(^-^)/

Now #STFU, lurk and learn something. j/k Lucy loves ya. ;=]

Tutorial by Lucy

We encourage you to share your tutorials with us if you want it out there. Any

tutorials from hacking, cracking, reverse engineering, cyber forensics, cyber

security, encryption, programming, and anything tech related. Warning: tutorials

on stupid shit like Social Engineering will be denied. Cyber Guerrilla Anon

Nexus Collective offers uncensored services. So don’t be afraid to email us.

nothings to hardcore for us to post. – #ro0ted

