Sep 11, 2014

Explained; HAARP Exposed; Geoengineering Expounded

There is no greater ongoing global catastrophe than the current geoengineering regime that envelops Planet Earth. This government-sponsored, corporate-driven program has many components, the most dangerous being Chemtrails and HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)[1]. Although this worldwide atmospheric engineering initiative has been implemented for decades, geoengineering has recently seen a dramatic uptick in both the frequency and intensity of its various operations.

It has been proven with scientific certainty that the geoengineering operations which utilize chemtrails and/or HAARP have extremely destructive effects on the planetary environment. Most of these deleterious outcomes occur in the form of vast and unseen unintended consequences. They eventually appear in the form of profound collateral damage to the ecosystems of the world, as well as adverse and toxic side effects to human, animal and plant life. Read More Here

© Source: Cosmic Convergence