Message Board


For more information:

June 7, 2018
Hello to everyone, we hope this message finds you well.
There a few things we would like to cover in this message relating to both OpChemtrails and the anti-geoengineering movement.

Firstly, as you may be aware Twitter recently changed its usage policies. This resulted in Twitter suspending the OpChemtrails account twice during Wednesday Tweetstorms. Fortunately, we were able to reactivate the account, but this has impacted on the Weds, Fri & Saturday tweetstorms. After a few tweaks the new tweetstorm format appears to be working okay (for now), but, the current format of the Wednesday storms has become somewhat repetitious and stale. 

It is for this reason we have decided to trial a new Wednesday Tweetstorm format. Tweetstorms begin at 11:00am London time and generally lasts for six hours. But, as of Wednesday the 20th June, instead of the OpChemtrails account tweeting every 4 minutes, it will put out 1 tweet. The tweet will include a topic or question e.g. what is HAARP? – What did your sky look like this week? – How does sulphur affect human health? Or, name a person or company you know is involved with geoengineering, what is the connection between commercial airlines and chemtrails? We are hoping that the OpChemtrails community will participate by replying to the tweet, with information (pics, links, videos etc.) on the question/subject. 

How is this going to help and what will it accomplish? 
Over the last 3-4 years OpChemtrails has amassed a wealth of information, but, we have noticed important information can often become buried, forgotten or overlooked. Each Weds tweetstorm tweet will be tagged with #QStorm, making the information easier for people to find. For example, running a Twitter search for ‘#OpChemtrails #QStorm #HAARP’ means the thread containing all the information on HAARP will be easy to locate and share with others.

We are hoping this (open source) community-based format, of information sharing will help to index all of the information out there, making it more accessible to activists and the wider community. Also, this format is in accordance with Twitter user policies and should prevent any further issues as far as account suspension. This is a trial tweetstorm format and will only affect the Wednesday Tweetstorms. We are looking to also recommence the Friday and Saturday Tweetstorms on June 22 (tweeting every 30 minutes for 48 hours); hopefully this will not cause any issues with Twitters new policy.

Secondly, the disharmony between some activists of late has resurfaced. For the most part, anti-geoengineering activists with differences in opinion, or, who dislike one another can co-exist in the Twittersphere amicably; with the odd snide remark or openly vented disagreement, which can be healthy. But of late, this disharmony has bubbled over onto public timelines, creating further division among activists who feel compelled to take sides. You’re either with camp A who believes X or camp B who believes Y… We would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the fact that we do not have to buy into this divisive way of thinking. Most of the sites which have information on geoengineering contain some degree of insightful, relevant and useful information.

OpChemtrails has always encouraged activists to consider ALL of the information and to form their own opinion. Don’t fall into the trap of being spoon fed by camp A or B (and that includes OpChemtrails); please continue to actively seek out a variety of informational sources. Also, if you do see a fellow activist openly smearing other activists or groups, we encourage you to consider what their motives are. Is it to cause division and disharmony, do they present a rational and honest argument, are they just being inflammatory, or, is there a history between the people involved?

Remember to
Question Everything!!

Thirdly, just a quick reminder that the 4th anniversary of the OpChemtrails Wednesday Tweetstorms (#Storm208) is coming up, and is on the first Weds in September. It is custom that OpChemtrails holds a 24hour Tweetstorm to mark each anniversary, but we are open to any new formats, so @ us on Twitter if you have any ideas or suggestions you’d like to share.

Lastly, as we don’t post messages often, we would like to take a little time to thank every single person helping to end the ongoing crime, occurring in our sky globally. We know from first hand experience that sometimes the fight seems like it will never end; nobody you know listens, and when you try to discuss it with people (even loved ones) the cognitive dissonance kicks in. It’s frustrating, infuriating, isolating and challenging, but always remember, you are not alone. Thanks to the inspiring community on Twitter, in under 4 years the OpChemtrails account has gained over 14,000 followers. More and more information is being shared, people are actively raising awareness, activists are raising the issue at main stream events and the masses ARE waking.

Thank you <3 

Stay safe, Stay strong, Stay you.

 The OpChemtrails Team

P.s. We hope you find the new Wednesday Tweetstorm format constructive and inclusive, any feedback is appreciated.
Informational flyer about changes to the Wednesday OpChemtrails Tweetstorms
*Click the above link to enlarge the image.

Wednesday, 12rh of April 2017

It is not often the people who come into our lives make a profound impact on us. Blazeart_ was an exception.

Blaze was passionate and knowledgeable; and a trusting, loyal friend to those of us lucky enough to call her friend. Her efforts raising awareness about human rights, the environment and the realities of life were admirable and tireless.

Over the years, Blazes' sense of humor and feisty spirit helped many of us through tough times; encouraging us to stay strong, learn as we go, to laugh and to love. Even in a world filled with upheaval and uncertainty, Blaze always reminded us the world is a beautiful, crazy, an unimaginably fantastic place and that life is precious.

Blaze was an integral part of our team, over two years ago having come up with the idea for weekly awareness storms. The loss of her leadership and courage has left a huge void, but, as Blaze would have expected and in the true spirit of the 303 Squadron, on the day of her passing we will still go on. We know in our heart's she will always be with us in spirit and that our loss is her next journey.

Blaze once said;
'Instead of everyone having to put up with this elitist bullshit, we should all be dancing the polka and celebrating life.'

We dedicate today's 24 hour tweetstorm to our sister and friend Blazeart_. We love and miss you more than you could possibly imagine.


10 Sept 16
Thank you to everyone who helped us mark the 104th (2yr) OpChemtrails Tweetstorm.  Raising awareness and reaching critical mass is an essential part in fighting for cleaner skies.

The stats for the final 12 hours of STORM104 (Image 1) show we reached over 1 MILLION people and STORM104 tweets were seen over 9 MILLION times.

Image 1: Stats for #STORM104 Final 12 hrs of Storm
In the last two years we have reached a huge number of people with the site having over 260K, tweets having a average 1 Million + impressions per month and the pastebins having over 75K hits.
Image 2: How you are helping OpChemtrails raise awareness.
As always our aim will continue to be raising awareness. We hope people will continue to network with others, share information, experiences and ideas; because it is only TOGETHER that we can achieve the very goal which is our common ground; we want our natural sky back.

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team

29 Aug 16
Well it sure has flown and much has been accomplished; with still much more to yet be accomplished. Soon  we will be marking OpChemtrails 2 year anniversary; 104 Wednesday tweetstorms. How did we do it? With help from lots of people who care and a small dedicated team of volunteers.

Some things to remember with a 24 hour TweetStorm:

  • Tweet every 1 minute to avoid suspension for overtweeting (max is around 50 tweets per 1/2 hour)
  • Avoid using an @ or # at the beginning of a tweet. Instead put a . (fullstop) at the beginning
  • Copying tweets or original tweets using the tag #Storm104 means more chance of the # trending (RTs still appreciated)
  • Tweeting on the hour (starting 14:00 London time) means a mass surge of tweets will occur at once (hourly)
  • Avoid trolls who will only be seeking to distract you from the storm

When: 7th September
Start Time: 14:00 London Time (Countdown Clock)
Duration: 24 hours

More tweetstorm information (tips, info, pastebins).

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team


Hi all, 
Just a quick message. Firstly we have had a large number of users contacting us to let us know: 
1. Tweets are not appearing on timelines
2. Accounts are auto unfollowing people
3. Searches are not displaying all tweets

The OpChemtrails account has been experiencing the same issues. Whilst this impacts on the stats and possible tweet reach this does not impact on our purpose, which is to prompt people to start asking questions, to look up, research, and inform themselves and others.  Whether it be a form of censorship that people are experiencing or a defect within the Twitter platform itself, it will not prevent us from maintaining course and working towards our goal of raising awareness; persistence is key.

Secondly, as you may be aware we will be noting our 52nd Tweetstorm (marking 1yr of weekly tweetstorms) with a special 24 hour storm.  We wanted to do something a little different to mark the occasion.  We ask that our followers send in a photo they have taken of chemtrails and a little personal note telling their story about how they became aware of chemtrails (click to see examples below).  We ask that you @ these messages/tweets to @OpChemtrails and tag it with #ChemTALES; these messages will be archived on the website.


Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team


The EPA is having its first hearing on air pollution.  Jim Lee from will be in attendance; we also hope there will be a large number of geoengineering activists in attendance. Here is some more information about the details of the hearing for those who are interested:

HEARING: August 11, 2015 - 10:00 AM EST.  William Jefferson Clinton East Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue, Washington, DC 20004.
LOCATION: William Jefferson Clinton East Building, Room 1153, 1201 Constitution Avenue, Washington, DC 20004. DIRECTIONS
LISTEN LIVE: 1–866–299–3188, conference code 1433527160 INFO (info from climate viewer here).
The EPA will provide the opportunity for the public to listen to the hearing call-in line: 1–866–299–3188, conference code 1433527160.

We wish Jim the best of luck in getting the message across. #GoHard!!

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team


Hi to everyone, hope you are all doing well amidst all the happenings that are going on in the world. Just a message to inform you of some recent news and updates to OpChemtrails.

We are using the tags #OpChemtrails and #OpChemtrails with the tweetstorm number (i.e. #OpChemtrails40) each week to our storms, this is for a number of reasons:
1. new tags have a better chance of trending, therefore reaching a wider audience
2. it indexes tweets so that users know which pastebin it is from
3. it also makes it easier to reuse tweets in the future by simiply chaning the storm number
Also we have made all attempts to make the times for Wednesday Tweetstorms accessible via the site, for this reason we will not be using the notification list to notify individual accounts of tweetstorm times; we will continue to do a 24 hour notification & 5 hour countdown on our timeline.  For more information on Tweetstorm times Click HERE. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

As usual the chemtrolls are doing the rounds. This may serve as a handy guide for anyone who isnt familiar with chemtrolls and their tactics. If you would like to know a bit more about these tactics check out the Flight Manual & this relevant Twitter post.
On a positive note, it seems the anti chemtrails/geoengineering movement is making headway and gaining noticeable momentum. With a general mass awakening, various legal cases in the works, the EPA acknowledging that airplane emissions are hazardous to human health (although deferring the matter to a UN body) and an increased political concern including HB5480; all adding to the trail of evidence that atmospheric aerosol spraying (aka chemtrails, geoengineering, solar radiation management, cloud brightening, environmental modification, weather modification, weather warfare, climate manipulation... what ever you want to call it) IS happening in our skies.

With every person that starts to question what is happening in our skies we are a step closer to ending this lunacy and we can begin to mend our planet and humanity; please remember to encourage people to research for themselves, inform others and to speak out.

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team

Due to a few errors with Message Board links we now have a dedicated page for messages.

New Message Board: HERE 
(you will also find the below messages on the new page; this post/page is now officially archived and will no longer be updated).


Hello and we at OpChemtrails hope you all had a safe and happy Easter break.

As many of you may be aware there have been sustained accusations made against OpChemtrails, particularly of late and with this in mind we wish to reaffirm our position.  These accusations are nothing more than an attempt to discredit what we do so, in a way, we can see them as positive as they indicate that our efforts are meeting with success, otherwise why would our detractors bother?

So far we have chosen not to respond as this would give attention to something that is not worthy of attention, we have far more important things to focus on, however the attacks have become so outrageous and ridiculous that we feel a statement at this time is appropriate.

Therefore, we would like to stress the following:

We are quite aware that it is not our place to tell anyone what to do, our purpose is to encourage people to think for themselves, to question what is taking place in the sky above them and why.

We have never and will never tell you what to do or who to follow or how to think, we want you to think for yourselves, examine information for yourselves and to find Truth.

Our intention is to encourage people to question what is happening to our skies, research and openly share information in order to better inform others and to add their voice to this fight, because lets face it, no one is going to win this alone.

OpChemtrails has no formal affiliation with any sites, organisations or political parties. We also would like to make it very clear:
We Have Never and Do Not Now
Accept Donations of Any Kind

If anyone approaches you saying they are from OpChemtrails asking for donations please report them immediately to Twitter and/or the appropriate authorities. We would appreciate you informing us also of course.

We have always stated that if you would like to financially support OpChemtrails then please donate to the geoengineering sites we have listed on our resources page or The Activists who own and run OpChemtrails maintain the site do so from their own means.

We truly believe in the work we are doing to bring people together, raise awareness and most importantly to stop the Chemtrails.

We will continue providing you with new relevant information and sharing the information that you send in to us. If you believe anything we post to be incorrect please let us know so we can investigate the post and take any necessary action.

We are in this battle for the long haul, accusations and propaganda will only make us more determined to get people to look up, research and inform themselves and others.

Thank you for all of your support over the past thirty weeks, see you at the next tweet storm xo

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team

We are adding a new section to the Library; this will contain information, videos etc on topics that are somewhat theory, opinion or have yet to be thoroughly researched.  We have decided to list such information purely for your consideration.  To view the first post in this section Click Here.

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team

Hello to Everyone, 

We hope you are finding the site useful and informative.  If you have any suggestions for the site or tweetstorms please contact us.

We are adding this page to help keep our followers up to date with OpChemtrails happenings, issues and general information.

  • It has come to our attention that a number of "Trolls" have been using the Notifications list option to be notified of when OpChemtrails tweetstorms are on.  As maintaining this list is rather time consuming we have decided that we will not be issuing a 24 hour notice via this list; rather we will send out a tweet when the newest count down clock has been added to the site.
  • We now have secure email thanks to RiseUp; feel free to contact us there with information/questions etc.
  • Would you like to volunteer? Due to recent growth and expansion of social networks we there are a number of things that people can help out with.  These things include:
    • Pastebin Content
    • Site Content
    • Monitoring/Hosting TweetStorms
  • We also have a number of projects either underway or in the idea phase: 
    • 24hr Global OpChemtrails TweetStorm Relay
    • Adding a Health section to the site
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or assisting with any aspect of the site/tweetstorms please contact us via email or twitter to discuss further.

Thank you for all of your support.

Kind Regards,

OpChemtrails Team