May 19, 2017

Harvard Science = Mad Science

The thing that many people do not realize is not only have they already been geoengineering the atmosphere for decades, but, they have been researching how to best market this to the public. As briefly discussed in an article 'Psychology and Framing', they have held many talks, meetings, surveys, panels etc to gauge how best to sway public perception and/or concerns about dumping tonnes of toxic substances into the atmosphere.

For how long will academia, media, politicians continue making excuses? When will their constant state of ignorance and denial stop? What we have seen so far. 
  1. Denial - its not happening, people are just imagining things
  2. Ridicule - its just a crazy conspiracy
  3. Its accidental - oops they've already been 'accidentally' geoengineering
  4. Silence - if we ignore the publics concerns they'll go away
  5. Intimidation & Censorship - gag orders on staff and personnel e.g. EPA
  6. Word Play - keep changing the name of it to confuse people further
  7. Censorship - articles and information reporting findings of geoengineering being retracted
  8. Climate Change - the climate is going to devastate mankind, dumping toxic material into our atmosphere will prevent catastrophe
  9. To Save Humanity - we want to poison you to save you
  10. It's cheap and easy - just no! Anyone who believes this has failed to see the big picture.

Scariest of all is the small group of people driving this grand plan. Even they admit this will potentially be harmful to humans and the environment, however, they rationalize it by proclaiming that to not understand the science is ignorant, and that we need to understand the science 'in case' we are forced to use it. However, many people will argue this rational is exactly what gave us the atom bomb, biological terrorism and so on. This technology has the potential to cause global disruption to natural weather and climate systems, food sources, water sources and viable land, which will inevitably lead to global conflicts and power struggles.

As this Harvard experiment will potentially affect Mexico, the notion of accountability and governance becomes even more important. This technology indiscriminately crosses boarders, so the complexity of regulation and administration alone will take decades to hash out and finalize. The scientists know this, yet, they continue with their crazy plans in haste, so blinded by personal beliefs that they have wrongly convinced themselves they are doing the right thing (just like the scientists who made the abomb).

While the public, academia, media, and politicians debate the ifs and whens and hows of 'future' geoengineering programs, we are left with a sky that is already under direct assault by these white coat criminals. And, by Harvard Science portraying this as the first, large scale, outdoors geoengineering experiment they are intentionally averting public attention from the fact our sky is already laden with metals and chemicals directly linked to both military and commercial aircraft. Furthermore, given Trumps attitude towards 'climate change', one must wonder why on earth he would allow this experiment to take place?

How much money is being put into our species adapting to the climate rather than trying to control it? Is this even about the climate, or is it more about control? After all, he who controls the weather controls the world.

When you read the articles below, please keep in mind, the people advocating geoengineering technology have been studying public reaction and perception surrounding geoengineering for years (Psychology and Framing: more info). They know how to sell things, to make them seem appealing, even essential and they know how to quell the publics very realistic fears.

~ @OpChemtrails
















































