Jul 6, 2016

KCNR Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield From Vaxxed And Dane Wigington From...

Published on 4 Jul 2016



We are reaching a period in which many critical issues can no longer be hidden in plain sight. From the climate engineering insanity to the vaccination assault on our children, we are at a crossroads. We are free-falling into an acceleration of converging catastrophes that are beginning to force populations to wake up, to open their eyes, and to face reality. One such unfolding cataclysm that is finally appearing on the radar of the sleeping masses is the astronomically increasing autism rates. The fact that the autism rates have doubled in the last few years should be alarming enough, but if we look back four decades, the rates have statistically increased over 10,000 percent (from 1 in 5000 to 1 in 47). An even more shocking statistic has been published from researchers at the world renowned research institution of MIT, statistical data makes clear that on the current trajectory by 2025 half of all children will have autism. Though Monsanto chemicals have been implicated in this equation, information presented in the VAXXED documentary now conclusively proves specific types of vaccinations are an undeniable factor relating to the autism explosion. How can any rational individual not be completely alarmed over such information? Yet, we live in a world where the people we have been trained to trust, to tell us the truth, are not. What will it take to wake the masses to what is being inflicted on our children? Below is an interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield and myself that was done by KCNR 1460 am in Northern California. Though the host seemed to make a number of attempts to marginalize Dr. Wakefield and the data presented in VAXXED, the information given by Dr. Wakefield was inarguable, shocking, and completely verifiable.

From climate engineering to the criminal cover-up of dangerous vaccinations, it is imperative that we continue to gain momentum in the critically important effort to fully expose the total tyranny of the individuals and corporations that currently run the world. This effort will take all of us, make your voice heard.
