Published on 12 Sep 2012
Climatologists vastly underestimate the amount of deliberate weather modification programs, erroneously believing them to be occasional "experiments," and unaware that THOUSANDS of planned weather modification events occur every year in the U.S. and worldwide.
So let's get our facts straight: Weather modification programs are not isolated, low-altitude events; they are prolific, ongoing high-altitude programs in an industry that has been growing since the 1960s.
It is NOT solar radiation management (SRM) that we are witnessing when we see "chemtrails" and artificial clouds created by aircraft; it is PRECIPITATION ENHANCEMENT, designed to thicken clouds to produce more rain and snow through cloud seeding.
(But we cannot change the weather significantly without changing the "climate" too. Climate Change = weather change over time.)
====✈ CONTRAILS persist and form clouds when enough cloud-condensation nuclei (CCN) are present at the right altitude. Most people are unaware that CCNs are deliberately dispersed via cloud-seeding flares ABOVE AND IN FRONT OF incoming storm clouds, regularly, in most developed counties and in at least 68 US counties. The flares are burned right at the altitude where contrails are formed, ~20,000 feet (cloud seeding pilots interviewed stated 5,000 to 40,000 feet, most commonly 16-22,000 feet.)
Contrails do not usually form at low altitudes or very high altitudes, and they almost always have a starting and stopping point-- the range in which sufficiently abundant CCNs are present. This range is also where aircraft accelerate the most as they climb to cruising altitude, creating the most water vapor. The vapor instantly freezes to form ice crystals which expand in the low-pressure environment and bond with other CCNs present, which can form thick clouds and sometimes even create total cloud cover IN FRONT OF STORMS-- before the storm clouds even arrive.
This effect causes the formation of artificial clouds in perfectly blue skies, and the appearance that jet aircraft are "spraying something" when, actually, they are spraying super-heated water vapor, which becomes expanding frozen water particles. The invisible, cloud nuclei containing metallic aerosols were dispersed previously, bonding with the ice crystals and thus facilitating the cloud formation process.
In other words, SMALL AIRCRAFT disperse cloud seeding material into the sky, and then LARGE JETS pass through it, and their condensation vapor (C02 + H2O) bonds with with those materials to form the thick, persistent contrails.
(See the time-lapse sequences starting halfway through the video.)
*** FACT: Cloud seeding flares contain metallic aerosols known to be toxic to humans, including silver iodide, aluminum, strontium, and magnesium. These aerosols do not simply "fall"... the invisible clouds of CCNs expand and go WHEREVER THE WIND GOES before eventually bonding with ice crystals or drifting slowly down into our soil, water, and lungs.
. . .
This video shows exactly HOW we make clouds with aircraft, why the jet contrails persist now (when they used to disappear much more quickly), and why we're finding high levels of metals in our water and soil, including aluminum and strontium. sure you want the truth?
[See for documentation related to this video.]