Nov 5, 2014

Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

They are called "The Big 4". They are the 4 most common serious illnesses associated with chemtrails: 

Aneurysms - Components of chemtrails are believed to block arteries and weaken arterial walls leading to aneurysms and eventually to deadly strokes.
Strokes - Nano-particle aluminum builds up in capllaries causing blockages eventually leading to aneyrysms and strokes.
Heart Attacks - Barium dramatically lowers potassium in mammals leading to heart fibrillations and heart attacks. In fact, barium is used in animal testing to artificially induce heart attacks.
Cancer - Most of the components of chemtrails suppress the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed for extended periods, cancer grows and thrives.

By no means are these the only illnesses associated with chemtrails. Following are a number of other common symptoms that people report on a daily basis READ MORE

Source: Global Skywatch