Nov 2, 2014

Hurricane Norbert Killed by #HAARP on 9/7/2014

Published on 7 Sep 2014

This is proof that the Baja HAARP transmitter was used to kill Hurricane Norbert. 48 hours ago, this was a category 2 hurricane, with sustained winds of 110 mph, and traveling over VERY WARM, 83 degree, water. The Baja Haarp had been pressing dry air down on top of the storm for about 36 hours, but last night, they concentrated the dry air downburst in one place, next to the core of the storm. This made it look like it had a larger eye, as a way to hide, that the storm was being broken up by the Haarp downburst. They did this because of my earlier videos, which show what to look for, during a Hurricane breakup. So, we are getting under their skin. They are starting to FEEL THE PRESSURE of people learning what is going on, and the gears of the legal system are STARTING TO TURN! I'm sure this hurricane would have brought heavy rain to southern California, and would have been a godsend for those dying ecosystems. Also, it was going to travel directly over the HAARP transmitter, and possibly do a lot of damage, so they had an emergency. They had to kill the storm, as fast as possible, while keeping it hidden. We, the people, were NOT supposed to see any of this, but here it is! Four things prove that Hurricane Norbert was killed by the Baja Haarp: 1) the vertical velocity maps show the falling air, from 30,000 feet high, down to 5,000 feet high, in the exact same location. It was a bullseye, right on the center of the storm, 2) the GFS jetstream pressure map shows a High pressure, right ON TOP of the hurricane, next to the normal low pressure, of a powerful hurricane. This is unprecedented, and completely UNNATURAL! 3) The fact that the counter clockwise rotation of the storm was broken up, suddenly, overnight, without travelling over cold water, and without wind shear aloft, 4) for 36 hours before the core attack, Haarp downburst rings were visible, throwing off shells of thunderstorms, gradually reducing the power of the storm. Read More>>