Nov 8, 2014

Chemtrails Steered Hurricane Iselle Toward Hawaii part 2

Published on 9 Aug 2014
This shows hurricane Iselle being blown apart BEFORE the storm hit the big island of Hawaii. Half of the storm is rotating CLOCKWISE, which is impossible for a hurricane to do! The CW rotation is proof of descending air being pressed down on top of the hurricane. (Low pressure rotates CCW, high pressure, CW.)

The meteorologists explained this away, saying that the tall mountain on the big island broke up the hurricane, but the hurricane was blown apart BEFORE the winds reached the island. The other thing that can break up a hurricane, is travelling over cold water. There was NO CHANGE in the sea surface temperature, as Iselle approached Hawaii. So, the only explanation is a HAARP transmitter, located in the Hawaiian islands. READ MORE

Source: HAARP Report