Oct 23, 2014

California, Oregon Aerosol Spraying continues the Drought 9 11 2014

Published on 11 Sep 2014
There were extremely heavy chemtrails (Geoengineered Aerosols) laid over Northern California, and Oregon, on September 11, 2014. This was done to stop any rain from making it onshore. For some reason, the satellite images were not photoshopped, so we get to see what they are doing every day, in northern California.

The west coast drought is kept going, by killing EVERY low pressure rain system, out in the Pacific, using the Haarp dry air downburst. And thunderstorms are prevented by spraying aerosols, which create a hot air layer aloft (a capping inversion). The aerosols sprayed over California will spread across Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, preventing rain, and increasing the deadly UV reaching the ground. The deadly UV has increased 1550% (15 fold increase) over the last twelve years. This has been scientifically proved, but all the scientists are totally silent about it. The UV explains why everything is dying so fast, especially under the heavy aerosol areas. Read More >>